Mauricio Romero OlveraMD


Driscoll Children's Hospital, Corpus Christi
3533 S. Alameda St.
Corpus Christi
Sloan Building, 2nd Floor
(361) 694-5022
(361) 694-4159
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m - 5 p.m.

Physician Details:

Medical Specialties & Board Certifications:
Board Certified in Pediatrics
Board Certified in Pediatric Nephrology
Residency Institution:
Pediatric Residency: Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center - Bronx, NY
Medical School Name:
La Salle University Facultad Mexicana de Medicina - Mexico City, Mexico
Language Fluency:
English, Spanish
Fellowship Name:
Pediatric Nephrology: Children's Hospital of Michigan 
Detroit, Michigan
Recognition & Awards:
Martha N. Franz Award (specialty pediatrics) for teaching excellence – Dayton Children’s Hospital.
ASPN Presentation Award for the ASPN/PAS Annual Meeting
Diploma for best third year pediatric resident - Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center
Finalist of in house Research/Poster Presentation at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center
Diploma for the best average in the Third Semester of Medical School

Miracle Stories

Together, Against All Odds

Our experts put their passion to work every day, helping kids defy incredible odds on their health journeys here at Driscoll.
Read More Miracle Stories
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