Access, Wherever You Are

Common ailments don’t always pop up on your schedule. That’s why we’re proud to offer telemedicine options for your convenience. Our secure video telemedicine services are customized by specialty and provide flexible access.

Telemedicine with your Driscoll Doctor

Telemedicine offers patients acute, educational and follow-up care through a secure video visit. No need to schedule an in-person visit with a doctor or clinician. Along with a general doctor’s visit, a telemedicine video visit may include getting test results, a prescription refill or an evaluation and treatment plan, all when appropriate.


  • Quicker access to your visit and results
  • Travel/transportation cost savings
  • Convenient and efficient
  • Reduced school absenteeism
  • Reduced missed or rescheduled appointments
  • Family members can join from a different location

Schedule a Telemedicine Appointment

Contact your specialist’s clinic to get more information and set up a telemedicine visit.

Frequently Asked Telemedicine Questions

Before Visit

Yes. The Teladoc Health Patient App complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a US law that protects patient information

  • Windows devices running Windows 10
  • Macs running Mac OS 10.14 and later
  • iPhones and iPads running iOS 12.1 and later
  • Android mobile device
  • Chrome on Windows, Mac OS and iOS
  • Safari on Mac OS and iOS
  • Firefox on Windows
  • Edge on Windows
  1. Go to the App Store (iPhone and iPad) or Google Play.
  2. Search for "Teladoc Health Patient App".
  3. Tap Get (iPhone and iPad) or Install (Android).

You will be able to connect to video through your MyChart account or your healthcare provider will send you an invite by email or text message.

Start video visit in MyChart or click the link in your email or text message.

Contact your healthcare provider to reschedule.

During Check-In

You may still go through browser. If you prefer to have app on your device, please download the Patient App for the best possible online experience. Make sure the Patient App can use your camera and microphone

Yes, but make sure it can use your camera and microphone.

You can use a touchscreen, mouse, or trackpad to sign the form.

Follow the directions on the screen. If you still get an error message, click the help button.

During Virtual Visit

Make sure there are no red Xs on the camera and microphone icons.

Click the gear icon (gear icon) and see if you can select a different camera or microphone.

No. Your healthcare provider just put you on hold and will be back soon.

No. Do not take or receive phone or video calls because it could end your virtual visit too soon.

Do not use any apps that use your camera or microphone like Facebook, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, or Google Hangouts.

Click the chat icon (chat icon) to chat with your healthcare provider.

Click on the red handset icon (hang up icon) and then click End

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