Making You Feel at Home
Everyone needs a special space to relax and reconnect, especially if they’re away from home. While at the hospital, family members and parents are welcome to visit the Family Connection Center. Here, you’ll find books, computers, audio and video resources in a playful, child-friendly atmosphere.
The Family Connection Center
Driscoll Children's Hospital, Corpus Christi
7th floor of the Main Hospital Building
Open Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
(361) 694-5058
This is a place where you can:
- Receive information about Driscoll and community services available to you and your family
- Find the information you need to help your child maintain good health
- Check out books and magazines
- Use the computer, a fax machine or make copies
- Have a cup of free coffee and relax
A dedicated staff member will be available to determine if you are eligible for:
- Meal assistance through our food pantry
- Personal items through our toiletry and clothing pantry
- Bus tokens and bus routes
- Local lodging opportunities
- Information about Medicaid meal tickets, transportation or lodging assistance
Contact Information:
Family Connection Phone: (361) 694-5058
Family Connection Fax: (361) 808-2055
Family Connection Email:
Toll Free: (800) DCH-LOVE or (800) 324-5683
Hours: Open weekdays, 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
For TTY Deaf Messaging Connect to TTY Interpretation by dialing (800) 735-2989.